3 Helpful Tips When Attending An Online Military College

22 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The internet has revolutionized a lot of industries today. Education is no exception. Now, members of the military have the chance to attend college online from the comfort of their own home. If you're looking to try out this innovative educational platform, be sure to remember these tips. Assess Course Technical Requirements  Unlike traditional colleges, you'll be accessing course materials and tools strictly through your computer. However, you can only do so if your computer is compatible to work with these online resources. Read More 

Three Additional Ratings To Consider After Your Initial Flight Training

9 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Many people obtain flight pilot's license through a flight school and are happy to use it to fly as a hobby. Flying can be a relaxing activity and even a fun and effective way to get around. For other pilots, the initial training only serves as a warm-up. These people will constantly be curious about further developing their skills at the control of their airplane, and will seek out training programs that will give them additional ratings as pilots. Read More